Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More Easter

Easter Easter Everywhere!
Easter was definitely more eventful this year. Aden actually understood how to run around and grab eggs (even from his cousins' baskets!) and open them to find candy and other treasures! It was really fun to wake him up to his first real Easter basket like I remembered doing as a kid. The funny part was trying to explain why the Easter Bunny came to give him toys when we were really celebrating Jesus. I'm sure many parents before me have traveled that road, but I have to say my sorry attempt at an explanation was quite hilarious. Travis got a kick out of it anyway! Unfortunately Owen couldn't quite enjoy the egg hunt yet, but he did get some adorable jammies from Nanna and liked being held by every aunt, uncle, or cousin in the room! It was a very nice day. We felt very blessed and were reminded of God's love in so many ways.

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