Friday, February 1, 2008

Aden and Mommy

Aden is getting so big, and we are loving all the new things he can do. He's crawling all over the place and loves to play "chase". He throws his little ball, which of course his daddy has taught him the exact form, and chases it across the house! He's pulling himself up on all standing, or not standing for that matter, objects. He's eating big boy foods, he LOVES pancakes! He's keeping us busy- that's for sure! We can't even believe he's getting close to his first birthday, but it's right around the corner. What an amazing 11 months we've already had, we cannot wait to see what's to come!


L.A. said...

precious little man! one is just around the corner for our little babies! did you chop your hair? random question, but looks like it from the picture? miss you guys!


Charity said...

Did you cut your hair? It looks really good and darker maybe? Nice:)

Good job Aden way to be such a big boy. Tell your parents it's time to start child proofing everything 3 feet and under!!!

We love you,
Muskegon Beans