Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Way behind...

It's been a while since I've posted, and I'm not even sure how often friends and family check this blog- but I thought I'd post a couple new pics (summer time actually). Aden and Owen are absolutely a blast right now, we love every second!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Catching up...

Trip to the Children's Museum

Aden loved digging for dinosaur bones...I think he liked wearing the mask the best!

Cowboy Aden! (Didn't seem to care that none of us could track down a nickel to make the darn thing move...happy anyway! That's my boy!)

I think this was his favorite part of the whole day. He got to dress up like a dinosaur and carry the eggs to the nest. This boy loves to dress up!

Owen and his friend Ryleigh Galema...he's just a tad larger!

My little man!

I just love a boy in bibs...

Asleep with Speedy...he's such a Cars fanatic now!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hilton Head 2009

Vacation with the Daughertys!
We had an amazing week in Hilton Head with Trav's parents last week. Aden was in love with the ocean and the beach and Owen did such a great job adjusting to a new place and schedule. We spent a lot of time with Trav's Aunt Jill and cousins, Summer and Jordan, and were able to see Savannah, GA and many parts of Hilton Head as well. Trav and I are so blessed to have a wonderful little family, and extended family too. God is good!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Selling our home...

I have to say our first home has been absolutely perfect! Right from the day we moved in this home has been an amazing one and we have been so blessed! It's crazy to imagine living and making a home somewhere new- but we are excited for God to unveil His plan and show us what's next. Travis and I both have taken new jobs closer to Indy and our church as well. We are very excited to relocate there and finally have a sense of community where we live. Up to this point we have commuted to jobs, church, friends- everything! We're looking forward to what's ahead.
All that said...it's hard not to be sad about saying goodbye to Anderson and our first home. This place holds so many memories for us, college, dating, wedding, both our boys, family and friends. Please pray for us as we make this next transition in our lives- it's going to be an adventure!

The blog for selling our house is www.1916parkrd.blogspot.com
if you'd like to check it out or know anyone interested!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Feels like summer...

Aden and Owen are ready for summer...

Hang out time...

We had a great time at the Farmers' this week, hanging out and spending time with friends we haven't seen for awhile. We were pumped to get to spend time with Jon and Amy, while they're home from Cali. It was funny to see the "baby fest" that has become our lives- but so good to watch everyone's kids playing and having fun together. It got us all very excited for summer...can't get here soon enough!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hooray for play dates!

Kendall Jo and Owen

Aden and Camden
So, play dates are the absolute best thing in the world! For moms who stay at home there is nothing better than being able to have a real conversation and another toddler to entertain your busy boy! I'm so thankful for friends who live close and can come play with my fellas! Hilary and her sweet Camden and Kendall came over today for some fun in the sandbox and lunch time. Yeah!!!